

Participation in Interreg project

ESFA together with partners from Italy, Finland, Belgium, Poland, Spain and Romania is implementing the project „40Ready - Strengthening SME capacity to engage in Industry 4.0“.

4.0-Ready partners cooperate at interregional level to reach their overall aim: to prepare SMEs for the I4.0 revolution. 

4.0-Ready partners and stakeholders cooperate to understand SMEs’ skill and digital maturity needs and what policy makers can do with policy instruments to address these needs. They develop an Action Plan, with proposals on how ESF/ERDF policies can better support SMEs in preparing for I4.0. 

Project duration: from 1 Aug 2019 to 31 Jan 2023.

EU contribution - €1,366,300.00. The project is financed by the Interreg Europe programme and the European Regional Development Fund.

For more information please visit 40Ready website.

Project rezults